· Free accommodation and full board will be provided to the invited players from the November 24th (lunch) to December 03rd (breakfast). Invited participants will be accommodated in double rooms.
· Every participant accepted as additional (extra) player and all accompanying persons have to make their registration and bookings through the Organizing Committee.
· Hotel information will be published forthcoming days.
· Lodging for additional extra players and accompanying persons will cost (upon availability):
Ramada Hotel***** (for 9 days Now 24th November check in- Dec 03rd check out)
Single room: 80 € Euros per person with full board - 3 meals daily
Double room: 60 € Euros per person with full board -3 meals daily,
Triple room : 50 € Euros per person with full board – 3 meals daily.
· Rooms will be booked on the principle of FCFS (First Come First Served). All Participants are obliged to stay in official hotels and bookings must be done through the organizers only.
· Hotel payments for all extra players and accompanying persons must be made to the bank account by the registration deadline of October 26th 2018. All payments must be made in Euros (€). No future payments of hotel bills will be accepted.
Payments for accommodation must be deposit at the following bank account: Bank: Turkiye Is Bankasi
Branch Name: Ankara Bank Swift Code (BIC): ISBKTRISXXX
Account holder name: Turkiye Satranc Federasyonu Account number (IBAN): TR50 0006 4000 0024 2003 8810 23
Accomodation Form